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Iboga Retreats in Alberta

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Iboga & Ibogaine the same thing?

No they are not. Iboga is the sacred natural plant medicine that comes from the root bark of the Iboga Tabernanthe tree. It contains multiple active alkaloids that each serve an essential purpose. Iboga is used in a traditional ceremony to heal on all levels - physical, mental, & spiritual. 


Ibogaine is a single active alkaloid found in Iboga. Humans have learned how to extract the Ibogaine alkaloid from Iboga and administer it to people. Ibogaine has the ability to give you a physical detox but does not hold all of the spiritual healing properties that Iboga does when practiced traditionally. Ibogaine treatment typically appeals to those seeking treatment in a more clinical setting rather than a traditional healing ceremony. 

Is Iboga safe?

Yes, when practiced by a trained provider in a traditional setting, Iboga is absolutely safe. Every potential client goes through a rigorous screening process that includes a full health assessment. Clients are required to submit recent EKG and blood panel results to ensure there are no underlying health concerns. 

Do I have to follow a special diet before doing Iboga?

No. There are no specific diet restrictions associated with doing Iboga. 
Although, the cleaner your body is, the less physical detoxing Iboga will have to do. This means more time can be spent on psychological and spiritual healing. 

Is Iboga like Ayahuasca?

Iboga and Ayahuasca are very different. The main difference is that Iboga never takes away your free will so you are always with yourself. It brings you deeper within your being and gives you messages and visions of Truth that are simple and easy to understand. This is why people require so few ceremonies because they get their answers quickly. 

Ayahuasca typically takes you outside of yourself and can give you abstract hallucinations that can be confusing and hard to interpret. Although, Ayahuasca can help to heal some things, it is very common for people to do countless Ayahuasca ceremonies and still have unanswered questions. 

Does Iboga help with neuroplasticity? 

Yes. Iboga stimulates your brain's ability to form synaptic connections that forge new neural pathways. Studies have shown this to be true, however, the west is still in the pioneering stage of understanding Iboga and exactly how and why it is so effective in rewiring the brain.

In order to fully understand Iboga, you must be open to the spiritual side of the medicine. Humans are both physical and spiritual beings made up of body, mind, and soul. The brain is physical but the mind and soul are spiritual - and the body always follows the mind. This means that nearly all physical injuries, ailments, and disease are rooted in a spiritual problem (or confusion). When we are able to make spiritual connections that help us see the Truth, the physical brain will follow suit and also create new connections. This is how we are designed; it's quite simple. 


In the west, we tend to  focus solely on the scientific aspect of things, but that only gives us a partial view of what is really going on. We often attempt to fix spiritual problems with physical solutions (pharmaceuticals that alter the brain). We will never fix a spiritual problem with a physical solution. We must go beyond the physical and get to the root of the issue.

Click on the following links to view informative pamphlets on Iboga. 

Iboga's Effect on Neuroplasticity

Iboga's Effect on Pain

Are there any contraindications to Iboga?

Yes. There are many medications and substances that can interfere with Iboga's ability to work on the body. It is absolutely imperative that you are 100% honest with your Iboga provider during the screening process. Some medications, especially those that affect the heart, brain, and liver, can not only inhibit the effectiveness of Iboga but they can be dangerous if mixed with Iboga. The only way to know if Iboga is right for you is to set up a free consultation through the Inquire about Iboga button so you can go through a full screening process with a trained provider.

What substances & drugs can Iboga detox?

Iboga is the apex of all plant medicines when it comes to detoxifying the body of all foreign substances such as drugs and alcohol. When detoxing opioids, there is nothing that compares to the power of Iboga. It can detox someone off opiates, such as heroine, oxycontin, & morphine, in as little as 24 hours with little to no withdrawal.  Synthetic substances such as fentanyl, methadone, & Suboxone require specific protocols & procedures before detoxing. Cocaine, crack, meth, & kratom can be cleaned from the body once deemed safe by a provider. Iboga is also excellent for helping people to quit smoking cannabis, marijuana, cigarettes, and vape. For more information on drug & alcohol detoxes and addiction treatment, you can set up a free consultation through the Inquire about Iboga button.

Not only does Iboga detox the body of all foreign substances, but it also resets the brain to a pre-addiction state. It blocks receptors in the brain and stops impulsive cravings by reversing addictive loops & pathways. Iboga can give you the gift of a fresh start - free of addiction. However, it is up to the individual to take advantage of this new lease on life and move forward on a healthy path by making good choices, applying the Bwiti teachings you learned in retreat, and being honest with yourself in every moment.   

Is Iboga good for issues other than addiction?

Yes, absolutely. It is a huge misconception that Iboga is only for addiction. This is because people don't understand what it is. Iboga can help free you from any negative or self destructive patterns in your life. In fact, addiction is only a symptom of a deeper rooted issue. 

Iboga can help with a very broad range of issues pertaining to both physical & mental health. The following are just a few issues Iboga can help with:

  • Feeling lost

  • Feeling disconnected

  • Spiritual Discovery

  • Lack of focus

  • Grief

  • Depression

  • Hopelessness

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Trauma

  • PTSD

  • OCD

  • Eating disorders

  • Corporate burnout

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Concussions

  • Parkinson's Disease

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Autoimmune Disorders

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